Community Action Human Resources Agency

Improving the lives of limited income people and their communities since 1981


    Community Action Human Resources Agency (CAHRA) is a private, non-profit corporation
    providing for the identified needs of people and communities of Pinal County

  • Santa Cruz Food Pantry
    Santa Cruz Food Pantry

    Recognizing that food pantries represent the first line of defense for households in economic crisis, the Agency created the Food & Integrated Resources (FAIR) Program.

  • Dreamcatcher

    CAHRA’s Dreamcatcher Program provides subsidized rapid rehousing services to homeless families with children as well as single or adult couples.

  • Homeless Assistance
    Homeless Assistance

    CAHRA provides specialized services to people who are homeless, including case management, advocacy, information & referral.

  • CAP for Pinal County
    CAP for Pinal County

    As the designated Community Action Program for Pinal County, CAHRA continues to demonstrate its ability to provide services and programs that meet the changing needs of communities and individuals



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CG Helps

Community Info/Referral Services